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Monday, May 11, 2015

Go Float a Boat!!

Makerstation is back! This time you will be creating boats! We want to see your boat float for 3 minutes. The challenge is on!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

We Search, You Search, I Search!

Whoo Hooo! So proud of our 5th graders and their teacher!

After a few You Can Do It, You Can't Screw Anything Up, Come On...just TRY; the group is set up on Google Classroom, assignments have been made, deadlines published, and conversations posted.

I just got back from team teaching with the 5th grade teacher and man, not only are the students excited but so is the teacher! 

The purpose of the iSearch, is to lead the 5th graders through the research process based off of topics the students pick. To amp the project up, we are creating the project in Google Classroom. 

Benefits we have noticed so far to having the project in Google Classroom:
deadlines are posted
links to approved websites and documents are attached
all documents are housed on the student's drive and papers can not be lost
teacher can comment on student's work
students can work on the project after school